division of property

Couples have the benefit of
the Family Property Act to help
ensure a fair and equitable division
of their assets and debts.

Resolving your property and financial matters upon the dissolution of a relationship can be difficult. There can be jointly owned pieces of real estate, family businesses, vehicles, individually held bank accounts, and other assets you have not even thought about for years. In today’s economic climate, we also have to take into consideration the ever increasing debt that many couples find themselves dealing with.

Did you know that certain property – such as inheritances, lottery winnings, and insurance settlements – can be exempt from division? This is why it’s so important to work through this process with a lawyer providing independent legal advice, who is solely representing your best interests. We can help you determine what assets or debt are divisible, and who gets what.

At Oakley Family Law, we will help find a fair and equitable division that will let you move on with your life and focus on the future. Contact us online or call us today at 587-943-1394 to book your consultation.

We can help with the math.