In some cases, the acrimony between parents is so strong that the voice of the child in the proceedings is overlooked as each side tries to “win” against the other. In every case, the child’s best interests should come first, and that may mean, considering the child’s thoughts, opinions, and beliefs.
Sometimes the best way for this to happen is to have counsel for the child appointed through the Court. By doing this, a lawyer can represent a child in the same way that their parents are represented.
Another option may be to have a “Voice of the Child Report” completed. This is where a parenting expert interviews each parent and the child to canvass the specific needs, or where appropriate, the wishes of the child. This Report is not intended to give recommendations, it is simply meant to convey information and observations to the Court.
To learn more about child representation, how it works, and why it’s important, contact us online or call us today at 587-943-1394 and book your consultation today!
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